golf course hospitality June 9, 2006, 4:32 pm

by bob white
Dear Mr. Baldwin,
Have not played golf in the States in many, many years and so cannot comment on the hospitality of the employees. However, I do believe the hospitality of the employees of Japanese courses rivals that of any in the world.
I also don't care if Bush plays golf with Arnie along the Arizona border using Mexican caddies. If his errant shots hit a lawyer then Bush has finally done some "military" service to his country.

You struck a nerve June 8, 2006, 10:58 am

by Ron Doble
What kind of moron besmirches President Bush, Golfers AND JOHN FREAKIN' WAYNE in the same paragraph...on a golf website? I would wager 80% of golfers voted for Bush, LOVE John Wayne and would gladly go to the border to help spot illegals crossing the border in between rounds. They would must likely practice bunker shots while scoping out the illegals.
Give up the political commentary sonny, you are out of your element and you keep ticking off your apparently dwindling readership. There's an old saying which states.."it's ok to occasionally step on your own pecker, just don't dance on it!" Stick to golf commentary or hire on with the Village Voice.

Re: June 14, 2006, 9:55 am

RE: You struck a nerve June 14, 2006, 9:55 am

by Ron
Don't hold back! :-) Violette Hurst

RE: You struck a nerve June 9, 2006, 1:39 am

by Hoyt Decker
Well, Ron, 20% of golfers can't be wrong, can they?

RE: RE: You struck a nerve June 9, 2006, 6:17 am

by Ron Doble
No...not wrong, just stupid.

blockade June 7, 2006, 9:33 pm

by Jim Mason
I have never really gotten anything useful from your site. And now you try to go political. You don't even know golf, let alone politics. You are an asshole. I am unsubscribing! C-ya!

Forget all the talk about blocking borders, let's start importing Mexican hospitality June 7, 2006, 9:15 pm

by Gil Schumpert
I subscribed to your site because I thought I would get useful information about GOLF.
This the second "editorial" I have read addressing political issues which I consider better stated anyplace than a golf related site.
I am unsubscribing and looking for a GOLF related site.

Mexico Blockade June 7, 2006, 4:24 pm

by Ej Brown
I thought that your sorry butt got canned....obviously you keep producing more and more "bullcrap" for a better word.....get with the real world instead of your "virtual spin off"....