RE: Tiger and the Legends April 1, 2008, 9:24 am

by Mike Aiello
If I hear one more time" get in the hole", after a professional golfer puts, or even worse drives, I am going to scream. Golf is a gentlemans and gewntlewoman'game yet we allow people behaving badly to give the sport a bad reputation.
Perhaps, a little self policing would be in store. If someone makes inappropriate comments , especially like one said to VJ, they need to be escorted off the course. After all, they paid to see the tournament and are under obligation to behave sensibly.
As far as photographers and the gallery snapping photos during someone's swing, perhaps they too need an escort off the course where they can take ALL the photographs they want to take. Let's show some personal responsibility and not have the inmates running the prison.

Tiger's on course language April 1, 2008, 9:05 am

by Ray C.
Tiger is no different than most people today that make their living from sports. The more talented they are, the more they are pursued, the more money they make in prize money and endorsements, the more they feel they have a right to behave any way they want. Tiger may very well be the best golfer of all time. He will definitely beat everyone elses records before he retires, but he is the prima dona that the golfing GODS have made. Privately these guys are rude, arrogant and self absorbed. They give in front of the camera. They only associate with "their" people and are really out of touch with reality. His outstanding achievements not-withstanding he should take a reality check. He is playing a sport, not brain surgery. He is one of the hordes of coddled athletes we worship in this country. Sad that he behaving like a prima dona, when what people really admire is the down to earth guy that they identify with.

Re: April 1, 2008, 9:04 am

Swearing on the Tour April 1, 2008, 9:04 am

by Tad DeOrio
Brandon, so you don't think 'country club boys' swear?
That's pretty funny. And Walter Hagen never let off an expletive-laced tirade when his shots went awry?
Your concern for children present is laudable. Actually it's not. It's trite. If you take your child to a professional sporting event and get him this close to the action you should be prepared for the potential for strong language.
I worked the Doral for 14 years. I heard many pros use strong language to describe an errant shot or a bad bounce or a bozo behind the ropes.
I was going to say if strong language offends you stay in church but then you might end up in Reverend's Wright church. Stay home.

woods/profanity story April 1, 2008, 9:03 am

by Garry Madaline
If you guys weren't up everybody's backside this wouldn't even be a problem. Do you really think the old guys from years ago were choir boys. Reporters need to work harder and get real stories that inform and don't just give us the obvious with a pc editorial.

Your F******* Kidding me... April 1, 2008, 9:01 am

by Ron
Wow , guess we need something to bash Tiger about.. Has it come to this ? Without passion you have puff.. Give me Tiger, you can have Stewart Cink, David Toms and Davis Love.. Apologize ? That Jerk might have changed the course of the Tournament.. Tiger , as we all should , reserves his apologies for when he sincerely means it , SO many do not.. If the Kids are looking for a role model , have them visit Tigers Institute in Southern California....

Your F******* Kidding me... April 1, 2008, 9:01 am

by Ron
Wow , guess we need something to bash Tiger about.. Has it come to this ? Without passion you have puff.. Give me Tiger, you can have Stewart Cink, David Toms and Davis Love.. Apologize ? That Jerk might have changed the course of the Tournament.. Tiger , as we all should , reserves his apologies for when he sincerely means it , SO many do not.. If the Kids are looking for a role model , have them visit Tigers Institute in Southern California....

Tiger's Behavior April 1, 2008, 8:58 am

by Thomas Hass
Tiger Woods may very well be the most talented golfer in history. On the course he is also the most miserable. His tee shot carries well over 300 yards but lands a few yards right of where he was aiming; he lets out a loud "g*d d**n." He attempts a forty foot putt and it ends up a foot away but is he happy? No, Tiger growls and utters the familiar "d**n."
In fact he is never happy. In contrast to his advertising image of a friendly competitor a la Phil Mickelson, Tiger is a pouting sullen figure on the course who's angry outbursts are covered up by the television commentators because of the importance his celebrity brings to any event he enters. Using the euphemism "intensity" to cover-up rude golf course behavior is inexcusable; somebody has to take Tiger Woods aside before the Masters and tell him to clean-up his act. The goodwill of the game to future generations is far more important than any single player, even one the calibre of a Tiger Woods.

Tigers Words April 1, 2008, 8:57 am

by George
Son-of-a-Bi*#h...give the man a fu*%ing
break...oh, don't hurt the childrens ears...don't show the children a "nipple ring" on Janet Jackson, who knows how much damage will be done? All you media a--holes lighten up...don't you have anything better to do? How about asking The Williams sisters (Serina&Venus) about their fathers really want a story...quit giving them a pass! Do your job...!!! REPORT DON"T JUDGE!!

Tiger Woods-- intergrity of the game April 1, 2008, 8:56 am

by Jerry N. Shipman
No one, not even Tiger Woods, should be allowed to tarnish the intergrity of Golf ! Golf is the last professional sport left with intergrity and class. Money is destroying sports, let's not let this destroy the game of Golf.

RE: Tiger Woods-- intergrity of the game April 3, 2008, 3:42 pm

by Ivory Rubin
Jerry, I submit that the game of golf is a whole lot stronger that you give it credit. Tiger's, or any number of his colleagues, occasional outburts will never tarnish the game, because the golf is bigger than any of them. Also, it is an absolute reach to equate cursing with the integrity of golf. Integrity has to do with honesty and being uncorruptable...not chaste!! Should Tiger stop with the expletives...YES! Should he have apologized...NO!! Public apologies are mere words that carry no commitment, and usually is an expected form of humiliation for the offender. Should he have admitted the wrongfulness of his behavior, and indicated a sincere effort to not display that type of behavior in the future...ABSOLUTELY!!! There lies the commitment. Should what he said be cause for all the dialogue and attention we've all given to it?? No way!! We all need to move on.


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